As awareness of our industry's impact on the environment grows, potential solutions are being developed to decrease the carbon footprint and other forms of impact that film productions inevitably inflict on the planet. From intercontinental flights, through gasoline guzzling vehicles and exorbitant use of energy, all the way to the unconscious approach to catering, there is a lot we can do to mitigate these negative effects. These concerns are typically countered with the argument that green filming raises the cost of production, but how true is this claim in reality? Numerous initiatives are springing around the world, offering well-developed tools and pragmatic guidelines, and film funds are adopting policies that range from eligibility requirements to including additional points in funding applications. In this session, Katja Schwarz will offer practical information on how to navigate this growing but scattered field of best practice recommendations and specific conditions in order to help you plan and produce your project in a more sustainable way.
Speakers: Katja Schwarz (Honorary Chairperson of the German Association of Green Film & TV Consultants) & Tobias Wilbrink (Founder GreenScreen)