During a summer demolition derby in the Belgian countryside, junk cars compete with each other to end up looking like colorful, crumpled pieces of aluminum foil. The drivers work lovingly on their cars to keep them running until they're completely wrecked and towed to the junkyard.
Over the noise of pileups, creaking metal and smoking engine blocks, a young woman tells the story of the violent relationship she had with a somewhat nervous, sweaty young man who was passionately in love with her when she was 18. When the first months of love were over, she met “the monster.”
Meanwhile, the cars race on, spinning out of control and flipping over. The spectators are captivated by the festive atmosphere and the danger—just like the young woman, who was in love, but soon met with fists.
As the last dented cars are towed away, with their flat tires and broken-down engines, the woman relates how she made the courageous decision that probably saved her life. She will not end up like the heroic wrecks in the junkyard, with the weeds slowly growing up between them.