13-23 nov 2025
Jury for the FIPRESCI Award

Jury for the FIPRESCI Award

See the jury members for the FIPRESCI Award.

Carlos Helí de Almeida

Square Carlos Heli de Almeida

Carlos Helí de Almeida is a film reporter and critic from Rio de Janeiro who has worked for newspapers such as Jornal do Brasil and O Globo. Carlos is a member of the Brazilian Association of Film Critics (Abraccine), and regularly covers Brazilian and foreign film festivals. He regularly participates in film selection commissions for film festivals, such as São Paulo International Film Festival and It’s All True International Documentary Film Festival. Carlos Helí de Almeida is the author of Walter Salles, Uma entrevista (2002), published by the Film Festival of  Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal), and contributed to Top 100 Brazilian Films (2015) and Documentario Brasileiro – 100 Filmes Essencials (2017), both published by Letramento.

Cloé Tralci

Square Photo Cloe Fipresci

Cloé Tralci is a regular contributor and member of the editorial board at Bref Cinéma, the print magazine and online streaming platform associated with the French National Centre of Cinema’s Short Film Agency. In her publications she has explored the resurgence of interest in analog film and labs, the creative use of digital imagery, and emerging cinematic scenes in Portugal and France’s overseas territories. She is currently writing a piece on the works of Sarah Maldoror. For the past three years, she has served on the selection committee of the New Talent section at FIPADOC Biarritz. Prior to that, she worked as a pre-selector for Lussas Film Festival from 2015 to 2019. She has published interviews with international artists such as Lav Diaz and Mary Sweeney, and she also works as a translator of audiovisual and literary works from English and Spanish into French. She has served on juries at several film festivals in France, as well as internationally at the Seville European Film Festival and the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival.

Paul van Es

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Paul van Es is a Dutch journalist based in Haarlem. After his study of Dutch language and literature he worked for a national radio station for five years, during which he directed a radio documentary about Raden Adjeng Kartini, a nineteenth century feminist writer from the erstwhile Dutch East Indies. Since 2000 he works as an editor for TrosKompas, one of the largest Dutch TV magazines, and writes film reviews and a weekly film column in TV Krant. He repeatedly joined the jury for the KNF Award, presented by the Circle of Dutch Film Critics, at International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) and Netherlands Film Festival, and was a member of the Fipresci jury at IFFR in 2018.