14-24 nov 2024
IDFA 2023
Competitions and other sections
IDFA on Stage

IDFA on Stage

IDFA on Stage is a program section that explores the space between film, digital media, new tech, and performing arts.

IDFA on Stage is a program offering live productions that enrich the cinematic encounter by blurring the lines film, digital media, new tech, and performing arts. While live music has been a notable component, this program section goes beyond mere screenings. It serves as a space for immersive experiences, participatory rituals, virtual reality experiences, collective readings and more – all within the dynamic context of a documentary festival.

As such, the section encompasses a diverse array of projects, from experimental concert films to multimedia mash-ups. As long as it embraces a certain fluidity of form, and the performance and the non-fiction art work are somehow in dialogue with each other – this section is open to all projects and artists.

IDFA on Stage is open for entries now. All projects must be entered by April 25. Find frequently asked questions about how to be considered for IDFA on Stage here

Key to this section is that a whole spectrum of shapes and sizes go: new ways of presenting are very much welcome. Listed below are just a few examples from past editions. These showcase what is possible, but mind you: these are by no means limiting categories. Expand the mould by all means!

Theatrical hybridity

A live performance consisting of a blend of artful video images, archival footage, dance, live narration, light art and music, or a staged ceremony in which the audience is part of the performances. 

Live concerts

The performance of a live hypnotic soundtrack to a musical film – giving the recurring images new layers of meaning, or a live score blending classical music with contemporary poppy electronics, creating a soundscape that effortlessly bridges different eras.

Where theater meets virtual reality

A performance in which two actors in a virtual space lead you into a digital dream world, while you have lie down in a physical space. 

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Video documentation as an ingredient

A performance where video documentation is used to augment the narration, but where it ultimately revolves around the voice.

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Collective readings

A performance in which the audience is invited to partake in a collective reading, accompanied by live music and film, exploring the crossroads of documentary, journalism and art. Or an immersive experience combining visuals, narration, and interactive elements, guiding participants through a non-linear exploration of human pattern recognition.

Curated audio to the stage

A collective effort by multimedia artists, who invited celebrated filmmakers, musicians and writers to co-create a kaleidoscopic experience about the unfathomable and sometimes uncanny power of love.

Live edit party

Bringing the subject of a film to a live location, such as the underground scene of Chengdu, China, which was brought to real life at an Amsterdam club – featuring scenes from the hundreds of hours of raw material and music by the film’s stars and editor.

Immersive experiences in usual places

Ever thought about a philosophical spinning class in an Amsterdam club? This past experience did just that. Writer and theater maker Bart van de Woestijne creates spaces to think and experience in which he, together with the audience, attempts to grapple with life’s big questions, such as a spinning class in which you get to contemplate deep matters.

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Read about IDFA on Stage in the media