IDFA DocLab 2024 Selection
In 2024, IDFA DocLab revolved around the theme of 'This Is Not a Simulation.' Can computers think or create something new? Can reality really be virtual? Would we want it to be?
As IDFA DocLab celebrated its 18th edition, it was time for a reality check. How are interactive media, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence changing our perception and physical experience of the world around us? Can they offer us more than addictive escapism from a reality that feels increasingly broken?
With This Is Not a Simulation, IDFA DocLab celebrates that reality is not a dream, or a figment of the imagination of some sentient supercomputer. The program presents 28 immersive artworks, AI experiences, and live performances by artists working across theatre, film, games, new media, and bio art. Each in their own way celebrating the true fabric of reality, a connective tissue that connects us all.
Winners of the DocLab Awards 2024

Special Mentions in the DocLab Competition